Betrayal of the worst kind ...
Sometime weekends back, on my usual trip to home, I was unmindfully surfing the tv channels to actually gulp down every bit of new feature which the so called "idiot-box(?) has to offer.
During my wild surf, I came across a show on some High profile business new channel - "Young Turks" - a show was featuring the interviews of some of the "Turks" who have made it big in life at a very "Young" stage. I don't know what made me stop there . That time , it was some gorgeous looking radio jockey, supposedly famous among the radio-lovers, the veracity of which I cannot authenticate as I am not a radio-lover myself. After the initial usual chit-chat as to what made her took that career, she began to tell which numbers are actually played on the radio.
What she said goes something like this - all the numbers which are being aired on any radio show are not what junta prefers to listen to, but what they are made to listen to and while the keep listening to it for an extended period of time, their numb brains get so much accustomed to listening them, that these songs begin to rule the charts, which is created by them. It is like the people are actually directed into liking what they like. To make it worse, these radio channels have a well defined research team which chooses these top-songs from the assorted array.
I always knew that this strategy to boost the rating is always played, to some extend, by newpapers ,tv channels etc. but what made me take this particualr incidence as betrayal was that some big boss out there was manipulating the likes and dislikes, preferences and prejudices of so many people around. I call it betrayal of the worst kind, don't know what you will call it .