All this while ...
Three years after graduation, I am still struggling to fit myself in this world. Every morning I wake up and there is an urge to explore, to do something new. Then my mind begins to wander about the thing I really want to be. And still I fail to find a perfect answer to it. Apparently speaking, I know that I can be anything I desire to be. But the thought of doing that thing long enough takes away the charm from it.
Some people call it quarter-life crisis, other blame it to my over-skeptical nature. I call it my struggling phase where I find it difficult to choose one over other. I like all of it and I like none of it. There are books which classify my personality type as ENTPs and other call me the Da Vinci Types. Well these very people forget that my personality type hates all classification and characterization of themselves. But even this does not resolve my problem.
Hope I will find my answer soon enough, till then I guess the struggle is on :)