Connecting back
It's been long since I last posted. See my earlier posting got me in so much thinking that I actually resigned one fine day to EXPLORE !!
I changed my location to Delhi and am doing some early crazy job which I never imagine myself doing. Thankfully that wouldn't continue for long too. But one think I must admit, one year now - between loving and hating Delhi, I have begun to admire the Spirit of Delhi.
On the surface, it appears to be a loud, crowded place where one bus carries people thrice its seating capacity. A place where it is easy to loose yourself in the sham and not-so-sham "glamour". But on looking closely each of these lives has millions of stories to tell. The living conditions - be it weather or the limited resources such as bus space or metro space, are so harsh here that it takes a lot to survive here. I truly believe that in some social experiment, if we put some civilized people in this setting, they would end up being much worse.
Like all other form of life, in the bid to survive we humans too become apathetic to the needs of fellow humans . Forget about ethics, culture and civilized way of living. The harsher the living conditions, worse this apathy becomes. All one is concerned about is getting one's work done. This gut-wrenching sight is easily visible in the daily life of this city with a humongous population. But complementing this philosophy is the totally contradictory picture. A place where people go an extra-mile to help you. A place which welcomes strangers with open heart.
As vague as I might sound, one has to be in this place to experience it. For now, I just hope I will be able to better understand this city to publish more about it :)