Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Happy Anniversary

It's almost an year since I got into the grind of salaried job. This one year was a roller coaster ride for me, witnessing the deepest satisfaction, tumultuous frustration, outrageous ego clashes and boisterous laughs. This all was intertwined with restlessness, urge to move out and get something done.

One of the most amazing thing that I realised during this while is that not everybody wants to grow. People/ organizations find pleasure in maintaining their current position and would like to continue doing it throughout their life. These things are either too contented or too concerned. Who knows for sure !!!This came as a hard bite to swallow for me, but nevertheless it is true.

Another interesting thing that I confirmed for myself was the cliched belief that one should always be doing things which one loves doing. That way you will never be working and rest of it does not count. If you want to do something different, first check your own motivation and strength for the same. Because in the long run, you will find yourself running your own race in a vacuum and it might be a long long race. Pretty cliched right !!!

Well the list is long and I will like to put more concrete results sometime later :) Presently I will just like to raise a toast to myself for surviving through this time.