Thursday, June 29, 2006

Internship - Part I

Of all the things, the internship period guarantees me a time when I am away from the usual humdrum of life. When I can see life palpitating and a new vigour filling up my sinews to get a place for myself in the crowd of unknown faces. The whole setting- the temperature controlled office, the daily shuttling by buses (when even the conductor starts recognizing me as one of the regular contendor for a seat in the bus and jeers at me for apparently no reason at all), catching up the World Cup euphoria at one of those flat screen televisions of the malls adds to the fun of the whole period.

I distinctly remember reading one of the interview of Vinod Dham, where he claims the Indians achieve stupendous tasks outside India because abroad they are saved from the cunningness of daily commuting .

Where in all so called developed countries buses and trams stop exactly at the stop, in India I can never be very sure of even whether that day the driver will be considerate enough to recognize you or just speeds up at my stop listening to the latest hit by Himesh Reshmiya "only on Radio Mirchi 93.5 FM with ulta pulta NITIN". But just think, if I would always know that the bus would be stopping exactly at coordinate (x,y,z,t) everyday and everyday I will get the most coveted seat, the very absence of Heisenberg's uncertainity Principle would make the whole process listless.

Then there would be no silent prayers for getting a seat in the bus as soon as I leave for office. No gleam in my otherwise sadistic eyes the moment I notice an aunty picking up her back to get down at the impending bus stand. Exact coordinate location implies no running which would mean absence of exercise,the only activity I need desperately to burn off all the calories which would otherwise add to my already accumulated fat deposits. There would be no opportunity to realise that though my body volume will remain the same but the whole surface area could be reduced by half when I try to squeeze in with one of my "bus friend".Worst of it all, I will not be able to show my courtesy when I most devoutedly vacate my seat for an aunty whose needs for seat is greater than mine- the only good deed of the day.

Imagine Life without all these , oh I cannot. You do, if you want to, till the time I play with my new Nokia N Series mobile phone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ghissu, kitna CAT ghissaigi.
volume, surface area, cooordinates and that too 't' included

Friday, June 30, 2006 9:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and ha, who is vinod dham, that pentium guy??

and when did u get a nokia n series..

Friday, June 30, 2006 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Manu :
Vinod Dham ya the pentium guy. And for CAT, u bet :)

Friday, June 30, 2006 2:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The blog is good and also vocab. I wants to point some of the thing. You have not told about all your experience during internship .Are you thinking about having versioning of your experience? The second thing also which of the experiences were good or which bad.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006 6:16:00 PM  

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